Rebuilding SuSe

A small low power VIA computer running SuSe linux was permanently connected to my internet connection for several years doing some admin work like updating DNS, running a firewall, router, dns, dhcp and reconnecting the modem when the ISP decided I was to be ignored. Unfortunately, whilst trying to update to a new version of SuSe I comprehensively fried the little box (don't ask, it's embarrassing). Ipso facto I am starting again with an Intel Atom - probably a bit too powerful, but easy to work with.

Downloading Suse DVD ISO

I downloaded opensuse-11.3-dvd-i586.iso in October but failed to check the md5 sum. No problem 'cause thats when I fried the computer. It failed the MD5 check when I checked on 3rd Jan 2011. I downloaded it again that day using a different version of IDM on a Windows XP computer. Both files are the same size, neither match the md5 sum from SuSe and the latest one, once burnt on a DVD unsurprisingly does not pass the media check on SuSe installation. So, I use IDM ultracompare which tells me that they are identical. Oh really? The GNU utility cmp on the other hand tells me that they are different. Ho hum, I will have to search through the mags to see if I can find a release there. Sigh.